Topic Chair:
Hayk Harutyunyan, Emory University
Description: This track will cover some of the most exciting emerging sciences in photonics.
Topics include: quantum sensing and spintronics, topological insulators and photonics, 2D and other reduced dimensionality materials for photonics as well as modeling and simulation for advanced photonics.
Ultrafast and Nonlinear Nanophotonics
Session Chair: Hayk Harutyunyan, Emory University
Description: Optical and electronic properties of materials are strongly modified at reduced dimensions. The scope of this session will be to attract contributions that leverage these new properties to study novel nonlinear and ultrafast effects at the nanoscale.
High Refractive Index Enabled Nanophotonics
Session Chairs: Jon Schuller, University of California, Santa Barbara & Joshua Caldwell, Vanderbilt University
Description: High refractive index materials have enabled numerous low-loss and tunable platforms for optical antennas and metasurfaces. This session seeks submissions focused on fundamentals, characterization, and applications of high index materials in nanophotonics. Systems where dynamic or reconfigurable control is achieved are of particular interest.
Emerging Material Platforms for Plasmonics
Session Chairs: Alexandra Boltasseva, Purdue University & Stephanie Law, University of Delaware
Description: An urgent challenge currently faced by researchers in plasmonics is the ability to identify the next generation of low-loss, tailorable, dynamically switchable, cost-effective, robust and semiconductor-compatible materials for implementation of advanced nanophotonic designs and realization of practical plasmonic devices for applications in on-chip circuitry, imaging, sensing, energy conversion and quantum information technologies.
Active Plasmonics and Nanophotonics
Session Chairs: Amit Agrawal, National Institute of Standards and Technology & Palash Bharadwaj, Rice University
Description: This session seeks original contributions in the general area of active optical devices and architectures enabled by advanced plasmonic and/or nanophotonic concepts. Examples include, but are not limited to, electron-plasmon interactions, novel ways to generate/detect or amplify light, and to modulate/tune the optical properties of nano-scale photonic devices using an external transduction.
Topic Chairs:
George Jolly, Air Force Research Laboratory
Jacob Dodson, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This track will cover some salient applications of photonics and realted technologies to the defense and commercial arena. The Topics include: applications of photonics to engines, blat/shock wave imaging and spectroscopic techniques, displays holography and projection as well as position, navigation and timing.
Optical Systems for Characterizing Flow Fields and Combustion in Propulsion Devices
Session Chair: James Gord, Air Force Research Laboratory and Amanda Savino, Innovative Scientific Solutions, Inc.
Description: This session will address efforts to develop and apply new optical systems for multidimensional measurements and imaging of chemical and physical processes in propulsion devices. Such devices include turbine engines, detonation engines, scramjets, and rockets, for example. Measurements of chemical species (e.g., combustion reactants and products), temperature, pressure, velocity, spray characteristics, and other scalar and vector fields are of interest. Active and passive optical approaches exploiting myriad linear and non-linear light–matter interactions (e.g., absorption, luminescence, scattering, incandescence) will be explored.
Blast/Shock Wave Imaging and Spectroscopic Techniques
Session Chairs: Subith Vasu, University of Central Florida & Benjamin Wilde, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This topic will cover imaging and spectroscopic techniques relevant to blast/shock waves, explosive events, and/or defense system characterization. Techniques include but are not limited to refractive imaging and laser-based methods. Techniques that are innovative, provide new physical insights, and/or address emerging defense systems are strongly encouraged. Survey and review presentations on the current state of the art are also desired.
Displays, Holography and projection
Session Chairs: Ronald Rapp, Air Force Research Laboratory & Fouad Kiamilev, University of Delaware
Description: Displays, holography and projection: Infrared (IR) optoelectronic emitters hold the potential for a wide array of applications such as infrared scene projection (IRSP) for hardware-in-the-loop testing. The requirements for such emitters include high operational efficiency, emission within designated wavebands, and high power output. Emitter arrays for IRSP systems must be able to emulate real-world phenomena by emitting scenes of high radiometric, spatial, and temporal fidelity. Such systems have fundamental limitations related to response time and maximum simulated apparent temperature, making them unsuitable for emulation of very hot (>700K) and rapidly evolving scenes. Papers that address phenomenology, design, theoretical modeling/simulation, and experimental demonstrations materials, devices and systems for displays, holography and scene projection are invited. Examples include, but is not limited to, new display and projection screen technologies including 3D and holographic displays, alternative material structures and emitters, surface coatings for enhanced extraction efficiencies, as well as device algorithms and driving electronics.
Position, navigation and timing
Session Chairs: Mikel Miller, IS4S & Adam Schofeild, Combat Capabilities Development Command
Description: The Global Positioning System (GPS) has revolutionized PNT by bringing extremely low-cost GPS receivers to the consumer market – I e., cell phones. However, due to inherent vulnerabilities associated with its low power RF signal, the GPS signal is easily jammed or obstructed. Therefore, current PNT sensor research seeks to develop alternative technologies that could augment the GPS. This session seeks submissions related to the development and implementation of photonic sensor technologies (i.e., LADAR, IR, etc.) for use in PNT applications. Topics on the development, application and implementation of photonic sensors and any associated optimization methods and algorithms are sought.
Topic Chairs:
Benjamin Braaten, North Dakota State University
Lavern Starman, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This track will address enabling technologies for photonics. Topics include: microwave optics and RF photonics, optical MEMS, higher level devices and integrated systems for photonics, and bioinspired and bioprincipic optical science.
Microwave Optics and RF Photonics
Session Chairs: Benjamin Braaten, North Dakota State University & Benjamin Eggleton, University of Sydney
Description: This session will present the latest research in the emerging areas of: (1) optical microwave- and millimeter-wave links, (2) electro-optic circuits at the board and chip levels, (3) ultrafast optical-microwave and millimeter-wave system topologies, (4) ultrahigh bandwidth devices for optical systems, (5) photonic integration for microwave processing (integrated microwave photonics) and (6) antenna and array designs in the microwave, millimeter, THz and optical bands.
MEMS devices and Applications
Session Chairs: Lavern Starman, Air Force Research Laboratory & Harris I. Hall, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This session covers the area of MEMS and NEMS from new device concepts to applications. MEMS have the capability to transmit, filter, or reflect light at the subwavelength scale for increasing integration and miniaturization of integrated photonic devices and components. This miniaturization can lead to components or systems exhibiting vastly reduced size, weight, and power requirements. Topics of submission include but not limited to: optical scanners and micromirrors, optical MEMS sensors, optomechanical oscillators, tunable micro and nano photonic devices, adaptive and tunable optics, optical beam steering, tunable optical filters, biomedical micro optical devices, MOEMS fabrication technologies, packaging and integration, and other MEMS based devices and components for highly integrated photonic circuits for light manipulation and sensing applications.
Bioinspired and bioprincipic photonics
Session chairs: Mark Massie, Raytheon & Joel N. Bixler, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This track will focus on multidisciplinary research that investigates biological optical systems in order to understand and apply the principles that enable such high performing systems. Topics covered will include optical technologies/architectures, sensors, signal and information processing. Areas of interest include curved FPAs, GRIN optics, novel transducers, integrated sensing and processing, natural polarization and spectral signatures, bio-inspired materials and structures, multi-aperture architectures, performance metrics / figures of merit for unconventional approaches, etc.
Devices and Systems for Sensors
Session Chairs: Stephen Szczepanski, Air Force Research Laboratory & Alain L. Beliveau, Applied Research Associates
Description: This track will focus on multidisciplinary research that investigates optical systems in order to understand and apply the principles that enable such high performing systems. Topics covered will include optical technologies/architectures, sensors, signal and information processing. Areas of interest include GRIN optics, novel transducers, integrated sensing and processing, natural polarization and spectral signatures, materials and structures, multi-aperture architectures, performance metrics / figures of merit for unconventional approaches, etc.
Topic Chairs:
Claude Grigsby, Air Force Research Laboratory
Brett Wenner, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This track will focus on technologies that are pertinent to the human element in defense using biological and human centered capabilities. The topics will include materials and devices for biosensing, biosensing methods, human state measurement and human analyst augmentation.
Materials and Devices for Biosensing
Session Chair: Brett Wenner, Air Force Research Laboratory & Ivan Lima, North Dakota State University
Description: This session will focus on the enabling technologies of materials and devices as they pertain to development of biosensing platforms. Particular interest will be given to topics that include new/emerging materials and devices that enable: novel biosensor design and fabrication, new or enhanced signal transduction methods, improved analyte sensitivity/selectivity, and new bioreceptor immobilization schemes.
Biosensing Methods
Session Chairs: Jorge Chavez-Benavides, Air Force Research Laboratory & Josh Hagen, West Virginia University
Description: This session will focus on the interfacing of biologically-inspired sensing elements and sensor platforms for detection and quantification of different biomarkers beyond the current state-of-the-art. Especial emphasis will be placed on the development of new technologies that allow multi-analyte quantification with high sensitivity in low biofluid volumes for next generation biomarker signature quantification.
Human State Measurement
Session Chair: Steve Kim, Air Force Research Laboratory & Anil Raj, Institute For Human and Machine Cognition
Description: This session will focus on emerging analytics and assessment techniques capable of ingesting data from multiple biosensor types in order to assess human state. This includes cognitive and physical states such as fatigue, workload, stress, and health that negatively impact ability to perform. Selection of measures, processing, and models capable of linking measures to underlying state are all of interest.
Human Analyst Augmentation
Session Chairs: Claude Grigsby, Air Force Research Laboratory & Adrienne Ephrem, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This session will focus on enabling technologies and techniques that assist a human-in-the-loop monitoring multiple real-time biosensors assessing a human state. This includes novel/emerging processes, analytics, multimodal notifications, graphical interfaces, and predictive approaches towards reducing the cognitive workload of a human operator monitoring one to multiple patients.
Topic Chairs:
Enam Chowdhury, The Ohio State University
Shekhar Guha, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This track will consist of talks on high average power and high peak power lasers in the short and ultra-short pulse as well as the long duration/continuous wave domains. High peak power laser generated secondary sources such as x/gamma rays and electrons and protons will also be part of this track. Other topics will include ultrashort pulse diagnostics, nonlinear optical materials and effects, laser induced filamentation and material damage.
High peak and average power laser technology solid state
Session Chairs: Shekhar Guha, Air Force Research Laboratory & Anthony Valenzuela, Army Research Laboratory
Description: Submissions are sought on next generation technology for developing higher peak and average power lasers, from petawatt (1015 W) and exawatt (1018 W) class lasers to high average power lasers with > kW output at various wavelengths. (CW to pulsed at ns to fs pulse durations). Interest is in new laser gain media, novel amplifier, stretcher-compressor and optics design with optimization of parameters like group velocity dispersion and heat-load management.
High peak and average power laser technology: Fiber based
Session Chair: Almantas Galvinuskus, University of Michigan & Joe Penano, Naval Research Laboratory
Description: This session seeks submissions on advancement on high peak and average power fiber laser technology, including new fiber gain media, high power fiber beam combining techniques—both spatial and temporal, photonic crystal fibers (PCF) for high power applications, etc.
USPL Laser filamentation
Session Chair: Jeremy Pigeon, University of California, Los Angeles & Miroslav Kolesik, The University of Arizona
Description: This session focuses on USPL of varying laser parameters (e.g. wavelength, pulse duration and energy) exhibiting filamentation in air, water and other media. Experimental and theoretical/computational analysis and optimization of the filamentation process (e.g. high average power propagation, energy content, projected distance from source) and their various potential applications are of interest as well.
Secondary source development from USPL (GHz-THz to x/gamma rays to MeV electrons and protons)
Session Chairs: Andreas Schmitt-Sody, Air Force Research Laboratory & Enam Chowdhury, The Ohio State University
Description: This session seeks submissions focused high power USPL based radiation and particle sources and the science of source generation, including beamlike GHz-THz to x/gamma ray directed radiation, MeV to GeV electron and ion acceleration, and neutron generation are of interest.
Topic Chairs:
Ruth Pachter, Air Force Research Laboratory
Michael Filler, Georgia Institute of Technology
Description: This track will focus on the materials, processes, and manufacturing technologies required for advanced photonics. Topics will include novel materials, modeling and simulation for materials, liquid crystal technology, as well as bottom-up/additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping.
Novel Materials for Photonics
Session Chairs: John Boeckl, Air Force Research Laboratory & Weidong Zhou, The University of Texas at Arlington
Description: This session seeks submission related to various materials for photonic applications. Of great interests are novel materials and structures that are enabling new functions relevant to DoD applications. Potential examples include (not limited to) amorphous or disordered materials, graphene and beyond 2D materials, complex oxides, etc. Also sought are synthesis, growth and fabrication techniques that address these materials.
Liquid Crystal Technology
Session Chairs: Nelson Tabiryan, Beam Engineering For Advanced Measurements Co. & Michael McConney, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This session covers the area of dynamic optical materials and devices enabled through the use of liquid crystalline (LC) materials. Liquid crystals are optically active materials capable of responding to various stimuli, including light, heat and electric fields, and thus are promising for many cutting-edge dynamic optical technologies, dramatically reducing their size, weight and power consumption. Topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to: new LC device concepts, wavelength-tunable LC photonics, non-mechanical optical beam steering and field-of-view switching systems, LC-based switchable diffractive optics and beam shaping devices, LC integrated photonics, liquid crystalline material processing techniques (polymer stabilization, photoalignment and others) and other novel LC endowed dynamic electromagnetic effects – plasmonics, metasurfaces, and dynamic microwave materials based on LC’s, etc).
Scalable Manufacturing and Rapid Prototyping for Photonics
Session Chairs: Christopher Tabor, Air Force Research Laboratory & Michael Filler, Georgia Institute of Technology
Description: Fundamental process innovations are needed to enable a range of next generation photonic technologies. This session will focus on challenges in the area of photonic materials and device fabrication, especially for large-area applications. This session will emphasize manufacturing methods including or related to 3-D printing, bottom-up synthesis of hierarchical nanoscale materials and devices, self-assembly, separation/purification processes, and high-throughput characterization.
Modeling and Simulation for Advanced Photonics
Session Chairs: Ruth Pachter, Air Force Research Laboratory & Simeon Trendafilov, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This session seeks submissions related on theoretical and computational research in photonics. Classical, semi-classical and quantum electromagnetic methodologies that seek to explain experimental observables and to design advanced photonics concepts are of interest. Topics on development, application and implementation of computational numerical and analytical methods, also coupled to optimization methods, algorithms and data analysis tools, or derivation of appropriate materials properties are sought. M&S for advanced applications, include, for example, quantum photonics phenomena, metamaterials design, or exciton-plasmon coupling.
Topic Chairs:
Yohannes Abate, University of Georgia
Dmitri Basov, Columbia University
Description: This track will cover some of the most exciting developments in light-matter interaction in new materials of interest for advanced photonics. Topics include: quantum sensing and spin-related effects, topological phenomena and photonics, 2D materials and heterostructures, nano-optics and polaritons, as well as non-linear photonics.
Quantum Sensing and Spintronics Session
Session Chairs: M. Flatte, University of Iowa & Yohannes Abate, University of Georgia
Description: This session seeks submissions related to experimental and theoretical advances in controllable quantum phenomena, photon entanglement, quantum interface between spins and photons.
Two-Dimensional Materials & Topological photonics
Session Chair: James Hone, Columbia University & Tony Lowe, University of Minnesota
Description: This session seeks submissions broadly related to: i) topological waveguides, photonic crystals and meta-materials, ii) optical gyrotropy, iii) chiral effects iv) non-reciprocity across electromagnetic spectrum. This session also seeks submissions broadly related to novel properties of 2D systems, atomic layered layered systems for spintronics and optoelectronics, plasmonics and polaritonics, state of the art the synthesis, assembly and heterostructuring of 2D materials.
Semiconductor Materials and Quantum Nanoscience
Session Chairs: Kurt Eyink, Air Force Research Laboratory & Parag Deotare, University of Michigan
Description: This session seeks submissions on quantum devices containing wells, dots, wires, etc. and related modeling, fabrication and characterization. Particular emphasis should be on the processing and material characteristics that limit or extend their use for their intended application. Examples are nanoscale quantum optics and optomechanics devices, novel single photon detector materials, novel plasmonic structures, etc.
Dynamic Control of Self-assembled Plasmonic Nanostructures
Session Chair: Claron Ridge, Air Force Research Laboratory & Jake Fontana, Naval Research Laboratory
Description: This session seeks submissions focused on the directed self-assembly of one, two or three dimensional plasmonic nanoparticle assemblies in suspensions or on surfaces. Their optical, chemical or biological responses resulting from controlling their size, shape, order, geometry, material, or charge-transfer. Dynamic tunability of both the linear and nonlinear optical processes, from ultra-fast to steady-state, is also of interest.
Topic Chairs:
Gregory Garrett, Army Research Office
Daniel Wasserman, University of Texas, Austin
Description: This track will examine devices and materials that enable imaging and sensing platforms. The topics covered will include integrated photonics and optical devices, lasers/emitters, epitaxial growth/characterization, and optical detectors and focal plane arrays.
Integrated Photonics and Optical Devices
Session Chairs: Weimin Zhou, Army Research Laboratory & Arka Majumdar, University of Washington
Description: Topics include all types of passive or active integrated photonic devices or circuits on silicon or III-V substrates such as waveguides, modulators, couplers, micro-resonators, devices incorporate nanophotonic features, subwavelength metastructures and metasurfaces, high-contrast gratings, plasmonic structures, quantum confinement, etc. These also include hybrid integration schemes, input/output coupling methods, electronic-optical interfacing, studies of laser dynamics and noise in integrated systems. Papers addressing the physics, design, numerical modeling, and experimental realization of integrated optical devices and systems are sought.
Session Chairs: Daniel Wasserman, University. of Texas at Austin & Gregory Garrett, Army Research Office
Description: This session will showcase original work on emitters operating across the electromagnetic spectrum (UV to THz). Topics include lasers operating from THz to UV, dynamics and noise in semiconductor lasers and systems, nano- or subwavelength- scale lasers and emitters, emitters based on low-dimensional materials (quantum wires, dots and layered materials), vertical cavity emitters, fiber lasers, high power and high brightness sources and source arrays, ultrafast lasers, and emitters for integrated photonic applications. In addition, we seek results demonstrating novel materials systems for light emitters and approaches for leveraging enhanced light-matter interaction for new forms of light emitters, including emitters to generate non-classical light. Finally, submissions demonstrating applications of emitters and sources for security, defense, and sensing applications, as well as the development of optical systems based on new types of light sources, are encouraged.
Epitaxial Growth, Fabrication and Characterization
Session Chairs: Sanjay Krishna, The Ohio State University & Jason Foley, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This session seeks submissions related to the epitaxial growth of materials, characterization, and fabrication into photonic devices. Novel growth techniques, fabrication approaches, and material characterization that enable new functionality are of greatest interest. Representative topics include, but are not limited to, growth and characterization of III-V semiconductors (e.g., arsenides, phosphides, nitrides, and antimonides), material characterization techniques (e.g., microscopy and other in situ diagnostics), and fabrication techniques (such as bottom-up self-assembly and top-down lithography) for novel photonic devices.
Optical Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays
Session Chairs: Joshua Duran, Air Force Research Laboratory & Eric A. Shaner, Sandia National Laboratories
Description: Topics include photoconductive and photovoltaic devices from UV to THz; novel detector materials; quantum confined detectors; thermal and photon detectors; high speed detectors; novel detection mechanisms including plasmonic and metamaterials; polarization sensors; multispectral and hyperspectral sensors; and phase-change materials for photodetection; MEMS-based components; focal plane arrays, novel hybridization and heterogeneous integration techniques; multicolor and tunable focal plane arrays.
Topic Chairs:
Ramon Collazo, North Carolina State University
Stephen E. Davis, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This track will cover optical imaging and sensing technology that supports detection, recognition, classification and characterization for defense applications. Topics include spectral, polarimetric, and multimodal imaging; UV optoelectronics; terahertz photonics; and target detection and pattern recognition.
Spectral, Polarimetric, and Multimodal Imaging
Session Chair: Michael Eismann, Air Force Research Laboratory & Davis Chenault, Polaris Sensors
Description: This session will explore emerging developments in sensor concepts and designs, system analysis, target and background phenomenology, and signal and image processing methods relating to hyperspectral, multispectral, and polarimetric imaging systems. Defense applications ranging from close-proximity non-destructive evaluation to remote sensing for intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and targeting will be considered. Additionally, sensors and systems that enable multi-modal measurements across space, spectrum, time, angle, polarization, and distance, and their associated tradespaces, will be discussed.
UV Optoelectronics
Session Chairs: Ronny Kirste, Adroit Materials Inc. & Ramon Collazo, North Carolina State University
Description: In this session, we will discuss recent advancements in the development of UV optoelectronic devices (λ < 400 nm). The target is to highlight major recent achievements in the field, foster an exchange of ideas and collaborations, and accelerate future development of such technology. Topics will include recent advancements in the field of epitaxial growth of III-nitrides and oxides for UV emitters, doping and control of defects, device design and novel devices, fabrication and contacts for electrically injected lasers and LEDs, and characterization and properties of state-of-the-art emitters. This also includes improved light extraction in UV LEDs, photonics crystals, UV detectors, and new materials for UV optoelectronic applications. Finally, contributions highlighting developments beyond the device level such as wave guiding, integrated photonic circuits, and UV based optoelectronic systems will be included.
Target Detection and Pattern Recognition
Session Chairs: Matthew Burfeindt, Naval Research Laboratory & Jerome Cuenca, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This session invites papers in the areas of target detection and pattern recognition for imaging regimes spanning RF to optical wavelengths. The session scope covers techniques or enabling technology related to the extraction of meaningful information from sensor data, such as target geometry, orientation, class, or ID. Technologies of interest include, but are not limited to, real-time target tracking and image formation, synthetic aperture radar, synthetic scene generation, transfer learning using synthetic data, and automatic target recognition.
Terahertz Photonics
Session Chairs: Seongsin Kim, University of Alabama & Eric Buckthal, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This session seeks submissions related to broad applications of THz photonics. Generally defined in the frequency range of 0.3–10THz, THz photonics has attracted tremendous interest owing to potential applications in imaging and spectroscopy for medical diagnostics and biology, broadband communications, security, defense, and non-destructive testing. Theoretical, numerical, and experimental papers are sought that cover advances in THz sources and detectors, devices, components and imaging systems; novel materials, such as ferroelectrics, superconductors, nanostructures, and low- and two-dimensional materials; new phenomena in THz metamaterials, plasmonics, waveguides, photonic crystals, phonons, and nonlinearities; and applications of spectroscopic techniques and other THz radiation in radiation in physical and life sciences and industry.
Topic Chairs:
Robert Magnusson, The University of Texas at Arlington
Justin Cleary, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: The track will cover micro- and nano- technologies that have enabled unprecedented control of light – matter interactions on the subwavelength scale. The track will have dedicated sessions focusing on experimental, theoretical and device application aspects of nanophotonics, photonic lattices, plasmonics, optical metamaterials and metasurfaces.
Plasmonic Devices and Applications
Session Chairs: Joshua R. Henrickson, Air Force Research Laboratory & Jason Valentine, Vanderbilt University
Description: This session covers the area of plasmonics and nanophotonics from new device concepts to applications. Surface plasmons in metal nanostructures enable manipulation of light at the subwavelength scale for increasing levels of integration and miniaturization of integrated photonic devices and components. This will potentially lead to ultrafast devices and circuits with significantly reduced sizes. Topics of submission include but not limited to: dynamically tunable plasmonics and nanophotonics, nano-gap structure plasmonics for sensing and energy harvesting, plasmon resonance enhanced nonlinear optics, optical filters with plasmonic nanostructures, polarization and phase control with plasmonic nanostructure metasurfaces, ultra-violet (UV) plasmonics, plasmonics for biosensing and spectroscopy, photon and atom trapping in plasmonic nanostructures, and other plasmonic based devices and components for highly integrated plasmonic/photonic circuits for information processing and sensing applications.
Optical Metamaterials Based Devices and Applications
Session Chairs: Gennady Shvets, Cornell University & Justin W. Cleary, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: Optical Metamaterials have opened the door to unprecedented control of the electromagnetic material properties and created a remarkable platform for manipulating and enhancing light-matter interactions by design. In addition, they enabled the realization of many material properties that cannot be found in natural materials. This ability has led to novel and counter-intuitive concepts, devices, and creative solutions to long-standing technological challenges. This session seeks submissions that cover a broad range of metamaterials-related topics, including but not limited to: novel device concepts; nonlinear, tunable, and reconfigurable metamaterials; chiral and bianisotropic metamaterials; nonreciprocal and topological metamaterials; quantum metamaterials; homogenization and effective medium models; transformation electromagnetics; metamaterials for chemical and biological sensing; experimental techniques and characterization of metamaterials, and system-level devices integration that is enabled/enhanced by metamaterials.
Optical Metasurfaces and Applications
Session Chairs: Augustine Urbas, Air Force Research Laboratory & Mikhail Kats, University of Wisconsin
Description: Optical metasurfaces are ultra-thin optical devices that have enabled unprecedented control over the phase, amplitude, or polarization of light. This session will cover optical frequency (infrared, visible, and ultraviolet) metasurface designs and applications. The emphasis will be on active devices and approaches that enable dynamic tunability, gain, or nonlinear response of the metasurface elements or device. Presentations connecting applications to the design flexibility of metasurfaces to offer thin and flat optics, functional optical coatings, and reconfigurable optical systems will be encouraged.
Resonant photonic lattices: Principles and applications
Session Chairs: Robert Magnusson, The University of Texas at Arlington & Ivan Avrutsky, Wayne State University
Description: Subwavelength scale optical devices with 1D or 2D pattering constitute generalized optical lattices facilitating complex transformations of electromagnetic fields in spectral and spatial domains. In modern parlance, this device class contains metamaterials, metagratings, and photonic crystals. This session addresses linear and nonlinear resonant optical interactions enabled by lightwave confinement and/or scattering in such structures. Topics of submission include guided-mode resonance physics and effects, novel subwavelength resonator concepts, nonreciprocity in photonic lattices, effects of highly confined optical modes, nonlinear phenomena in periodic waveguides, metamaterial reflector physics, resonant optical sensor concepts and related topics.
Topic chairs:
Joy Haley, Air Force Research Laboratory
Steve Flom, Naval Research Laboratory
Description: This track covers advances in the development of organic photonic materials including: charge transport in organic materials, nonlinear organic materials, infrared organic materials and properties, and hybrid organic-inorganic materials and devices. Broadly these materials are being developed for defense applications including photovoltaics, OLEDs, nonlinear absorbers, frequency conversion, photorefractives, IR detectors, antennas, photodectectors, and sensing.
Charge Transport in Organic Materials
Session Chairs: Gary Kushto, Naval Research Laboratory & Ken Hanson, Florida State University
Description: Charge carrier dynamics in organic materials play a critical role in dictating the performance of organic light emitting diodes, photodetectors, field effect transistors, solar cells, and more. Charge transport rate and efficacy are influenced by variables such as molecular structure, film morphology, and defect density, to name a few. Understanding and controlling these variables are critical to maximizing the performance of organic materials for semiconductor applications requires a cross-disciplinary effort spanning chemistry, physics, materials science, and engineering. As such, this session welcomes any theoretical and experimental studies providing new insights into charge transport in organic materials including modeling/simulations of bulk materials and interfaces, emerging measurement techniques, innovative technologies/applications, and new syntheses/designs for organic charge transport materials.
Nonlinear Organic Materials
Session Chairs: David Stewart, Air Force Research Laboratory & Ryan O’Donnell, Army Research Laboratory
Description: This Session will focus on the design, spectroscopy, and performance characteristics of organic and organometallic materials possessing nonlinear photonic properties. This includes both solution and solid state materials and covers effects induced by nonlinear absorption (such as two-photon absorption or reverse-saturable absorption), nonlinear refraction, and frequency conversion.
Infrared Organic Materials & Properties
Session Chairs: Jarrett Vella, Air Force Research Laboratory & Jason Azoulay, University of Southern Mississippi
Description: Polymers and small molecules with bandgaps and other direct electronic transitions between 1 um – 14 um (shortwave infrared – longwave infrared) are a newly emerging area of organic materials. This topic will cover the infrared properties of organic polymers and small molecules intended for use into domains traditionally dominated by inorganic materials. It will include fundamental photophysical studies, device work, thin film processing, and organic materials with other interesting infrared and electrical properties.
Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials & Devices
Session Chairs: Bernard Kippelen, Georgia Institute of Technology & Nicholas Glavin, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This session invites submissions related to the rapidly growing field of organic and organic-inorganic materials for flexible, conformal optoelectronics. Topics to be covered include, but are limited to, advances in materials to improve and better control the electrical, mechanical, chemical, and optical properties in thin films and at interfaces, and advances in the design, modeling, and characterization of devices. Papers are also sought on new methods to adjust the properties of these organic or hybrid materials for the manufacturing of printable, flexible devices.
Topic Chairs:
Robert Orgusaar, Air Force Research Laboratory
Mark Schmitt, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This track will assess the state-of-the-art of photonics technologies to applications and systems that are relevant in defense. The topics covered will include EO/IR/LADAR, hardware and software testing of optical systems, Cybersecurity tools for instrumentation and control for test and evaluation, and special operations interests.
Session Chairs: Brian Stadler, Air Force Research Laboratory & David J. Rabb, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This session focuses on the use of state of the art EO/IR passive imaging and LADAR sensor systems for defense applications such as surveillance, reconnaissance, and targeting. EO/IR passive and active imaging systems are required to accomplish these goals for moving and stationary targets in a diverse range of settings including desert, forest, and urban environments. Sensors need to be able to robustly differentiate between background objects and targets of interest. Modeling and/or experimental investigation of the performance of these systems for detecting, tracking, recognizing, and identifying targets is of interest. Operational spectral bands may include visible to the long wave IR. LADAR systems considered for this section may include multispectral, polarimetric, as well as other sensing modalities.
Instrumentation and Control for Test and Evaluation
Session Chairs: Michael Johnson, Air Force 96th Test Wing & Robert Orgusaar, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: Modern systems are critically dependent on verification and validation of their parts, as well as the sum of their parts in order to be used with the highest possible confidence. It is critical that test and evaluation be accomplished with not only the highest degree of accuracy possible, but also with the greatest degree of certainty possible. Uncertainties in test data translate directly into uncertainties in the item under test. This session welcomes submissions discussing innovative test control and monitoring techniques, processes and procedures from hardware and software perspectives, in real time and post processing. The goal is to optimize how tests can be controlled, monitored and evaluated to estimate and reduce uncertainty and maximize confidence in the results.
T&E tools, challenges, and opportunities in photonics
Session Chairs: Andreas Keipert, Air Force 96th Test Wing & Michael Feliciano, Air Force 96th Test Wing
Description: The National Defense Strategy shares increased emphasis on new technologies to include: advanced computing, “big data “analytics, artificial intelligence, autonomy, robotics, directed energy, hypersonics, and biotechnology. These new technologies will need to be tested effectively and in relevant contexts and domains. New technologies, methods and standards to enable future T&E are needed to keep pace with today’s rapid developments, as well as the need to protect cyber data flows in an increasingly contested environment.
Special operations interests
Session Chairs: Alex Gracia, Air Force Research Laboratory & Mark Schmitt, Air Force Research Laboratory
Description: This session covers research and development of photonic-enabled capabilities that address several areas of interest to AF Special Operations Forces (SOF). Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) has identified several capability areas where novel application of photonics may be able to increase the effectiveness of their mission through reduced cost, size, weight and power and/or new capabilities. Topics of submission include, but are not limited to, technologies that enhance aviation systems, command, control, communications, and computers (C4), intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), irregular warfare, advanced sensors, air delivered weapons and electronic attack. Examples include the ability to increase access in denied airspace with adequate full spectrum threat warning and countermeasures against radio frequency (RF), electro-optic (EO), infrared (IR), directed energy (DE), and electromagnetic pulse (EMP). Further topics of interest include improved capabilities to sense, acquire, engage, and assess adversary activities through low visibility/environmental conditions and complex combat environments; precision navigation for enroute, terminal, and formation aircraft navigation; and survivor location and identification that provides accurate, near real-time location and identification data for team/aircrew/aircraft recovery.