Special Events

IEEE RAPID offers a range of luncheons, social networking and mentorship programs designed for both student and senior professionals. Such programs have been organized to provide an interactive learning environment for conference registrants.

Special Event Speakers

Women in Photonics Luncheon 
Laura Barnes, OD, PhD 
Ohio University

Young Professionals Luncheon
Stanley Ikpe, PhD
NASA Langley Research Center

Young Professionals Luncheon
Elizabeth Lions
Author | Career Coach 

STEM Luncheon
Colette DeHarpporte
Founder | Laser Classroom

Mentor Match Program

Program to take place over the course of the conference week.

This program is designed to help students and young professionals expand their professional networks while at the conference, gain personalized career insights, and receive guidance from senior professionals in photonics. Attendees can sign up to be either a mentor or mentee for the conference while registering.

Mentor Matches will be paired by technical interests and the matches will be communicated to attendees by IEEE staff before the conference start. Mentors and mentees will then be encouraged to connect, i.e. by email or call, prior to the conference, in order to establish plans to meet-up and connect at RAPID 2019. Meet-up plans are up to the pairs’ discretion.

Young Professionals: Professional Development Lunch & Learn

Date: Monday, August 19
Time: 12:00-13:00
Room: Emerald Ballroom A/B

This luncheon, sponsored by IEEE Young Professionals, will include a professional development talk, social activity and tools on how lead a team of young professionals and the concept of “Mentoring Up”. The target audiences of this talk are both young professionals and senior professionals who serve as mentors.

Talk Topic: Situational Leadership

This session will teach you how to adjust your leadership style to maximum the benefits you bring to your team. It’s difficult to know when to do what with an employee. Because some leaders are service orientated, they may have a difficult time being very direct or knowing when to coach or support a member.

Prepare yourself and challenge your leadership style by attending this presentation.

This presentation will help you: identify performance problems – and solve them before they become bigger issues; increase trust and influence with your direct reports; develop new skills while leading people; bring your team to the next level; help you lead a new team or a seasoned one you inherited.

Women in Photonics Luncheon

Date: Tuesday, August 20
Time: 12:15-13:15
Room: Emerald Ballroom A/B
Session Chair: Shere Tuckey, AFRL Munitions Directorate

This luncheon, sponsored by IEEE Women in Photonics and supported by WiSE, will include a professional development talk, networking activity and overviews on how to volunteer. All attendees are inclusively invited.

Keynote Speaker: Laura Barnes, OD, PhD, Ohio University

Talk Title: “In Hindsight–Lessons I Have Learned”

Abstract: This professional development presentation focuses on lessons learned over a 24 year career in DOD R&D. The speaker will discuss topics ranging from the importance of finding a trusted mentor to the process of deciding when is time to look for a new job.

STEM Morning Session: "Bringing STEM to Light"

Date: Wednesday, August 21
Time: 10:00-12:00
Room: Emerald Ballroom A/B
Session Chair: Brian Mitchell, Eglin AFB

Light is a fascinating and familiar topic for children. But how do you lay the foundation for this exciting topic in the classroom? How do you teach the youngest would-be scientists about light-based sciences, like Optics and Photonics?

Starting with a simple kit and some basic activities, we’ll work through understanding the basics of light, color, shadows, reflection and refraction during this hands-on workshop. This workshop will offer easy to digest science content, application of science process skills, connections to real world technologies and engaging activities designed to build your comfort and confidence with teaching K-12 light and optics. Guidance will also be provided on how to use and create learning experiences for children.

The IEEE Photonics Society is supplying each attendee with kit to take home. The kits make it easy and fun to showcase the science of light with hands-on light and laser experiments.

This will be followed by a full conference luncheon on STEM.

Colette DeHarpporte
LASER Classroom

RSVP here for this workshop:

STEM Luncheon

Date: Wednesday, August 21
Time: 12:00-13:00
Room: Emerald Ballroom A/B
Session Chair: Brian Mitchell, Eglin AFB

Mirror Anamorphosis is an art distortion technique developed several hundred years ago in order to hide secret messages and information in paintings. This clever and visually surprising illusion draws on the science and mathematics of light and optics.

In this workshop, you’ll uncover the secrets of mirror anamorphosis and learn to create your own “morphed up” drawings with a simple grid transfer technique. You will learn easy to digest science content to then teach to children or volunteer with in a K-12 education setting.

The IEEE Photonics Society, sponsor, is supplying each participant with free kits! Buffet lunch will also be provided.

Colette DeHarpporte
LASER Classroom