2018 Exhibitors / Sponsors


Information Gatekeepers, Inc.

Information Gatekeepers, Inc. is a publisher, trade show organizer, consultancy and information service provider in the fields of fiber optics, high-speed Internet, wireless, and emerging telecom markets. For more information, visit www.igigroup.com

Nanosystec Corp.

We combine laser based manufactoring technologies with precison automation for the production of advanced devices for automotive, telecom/datacom, aerospace, semiconductor and similar applications. Our micro laser welding system Nanoweld  forms stable connections with minimal/no warp. Our Selective laser soldering system  Nanorapid addresses tasks which are not solvable with convential methods. With Nanoplace we offer assembly work stations for placement and fixation of miniature parts with errors of 2µm or less.

Our systems are tailored to the needs of the customer. The modular design is ideal for future adaption to new tasks and volume expansion.  For more information, visit  www.nanosystec.com

Neaspec GmbH

See the nanoworld: neaspec introduces the new nano-FTIR imaging and spectroscopy tool,with a wavelength independent spatial resolution of 10 nm throughout the VIS and IR spectrum. This cutting-edge technology allows you to gain new insights into your samples by e.g. plasmon interference mapping, chemical nano-identification, electron mobility mapping or many more amazing phenomena.  For more information, visit https://www.neaspec.com/

National Reconnaissance Office

An R &D Funding Program – The National Reconnaissance Office’s Director’s Innovation Initiative (DII) invests in advanced technologies, fosters innovation, and provides seed funding to push the boundaries of technology to dramatically improve our overhead reconnaissance capabilities. It presents an opportunity for developers not traditionally associated with the National Reconnaissance Office to participate in building the NRO of the 21st Century.  For more information, visit www.acq.westfields.net

Tech-X Corporation

Tech-X Corporation develops simulation software for electromagnetics and plasma applications, developed during many years of academic research, government consulting and commercial development.  Our package VSim for Electromagnetics provides highly accurate solutions for design and analysis of electromagnetic cavities and waveguides, photonic devices (integrated photonic circuits, sensors, crystals, fibers, OPAs) and antennas using Time Domain algorithms.  These algorithms handle complex 3D metallic and dielectric shapes and allow simulations of computationally large devices encompassing hundreds of wavelengths in all directions.  VSim proved to scale to hundreds of thousands cores and model grids of tens of billion cells.  In addition to FDTD we provide methods for finding propagating modes and calculating figures of merit in frequency domain, such as S parameters. For more information, visit www.txcorp.com

Ultra Communications, Inc.

UltraComm develops Digital and RF photonic components for harsh environment and high reliability applications.  These applications require components to operate through wide temperature ranges, shock, vibration, condensation, chemicals, and/or radiation.

UltraComm specializes in challenging engineering tasks: high-speed mixed-signal circuit design, packaging for high fidelity electrical and optical coupling, and testing at the wafer and component level.  For more information, visit www.ultracomm-inc.com

VPIphotonics, Inc.

VPIphotonics provides flexible simulation software and design services supporting requirements of active/passive integrated photonics, doped-fiber applications, optical system and network applications, and cost-optimized equipment configuration. Join us for live demos on modeling transmission systems with 4D modulation formats, complex integrated devices in Silicon Photonics and InP, and pulsed or high-power doped-fiber applications.  For more information, visit www.vpiphotonics.com 
